Understanding Pug Health Problems: Tips for a Happier, Healthier Dog

Are you a new pug owner looking to understand the potential pug health problems your dog may face? Or perhaps you are simply curious to know the pug health issues before welcoming a pug into your family?

Let me tell you you have come to the correct place. Pugs, with its irresistible charm has its own set of health challenges.

As an experienced pug parent I will share with you everything I have learnt about pugs over the years. In this blog you will discover everything you need to know about common pug health problems along with their preventive measures and treatment options.

So let’s start this informative journey on understanding pug medical issues and their solution.

Pug health issues

Here are a common set of pug health problems regardless of different pugs colors.

Brachycephalic Syndrome

Pugs have a flat face with a short snout. This physical feature can lead to breathing problem called Brachycephalic Air Syndrome.

There can be snoring, breathing difficulties specially in hot weather, and in extreme cases the pug can collapse due to lack of oxygen.

A pug owner needs to be aware of these signs of BAS and consult a vet in case of any concern.

Eye Problems

Pugs have prominent bulging eyes with shallow sockets. This can lead to several eye issues like proptosis- a condition where the eyeball gets displaced and bulges out.

Other eye problems are cherry eye, dry eye, corneal ulcer and progressive retinal atrophy.

Regular eye checkups are important for early detection and treatment of any issue.


Pugs, with their delicate, sensitive skin and other physical characteristics are prone to various allergies.

Food allergies can occur if the pug is allergic to certain food items like dairy, wheat, soy, etc.

Environmental allergies can be caused from allergens like pollen, dust mites, mold or grass .

Shampoos, cleaning products or certain fabrics can trigger contact allergies in pugs.

Fleas and tick bites can cause severe dermatitis.

Symptoms of allergies may include itchy skin, redness, hair loss, digestive issues, watery eyes, sneezing, and respiratory distress, depending on the type of allergy.

Regular baths with vet-recommended shampoos, living in a clean and parasite-free environment, identifying and avoiding the specific irritants are some of the preventive measures that can be taken.

In case of severe allergies the veterinarian may prescribe antihistamines, steroids, or antibiotics to manage symptoms, depending on the underlying issue.


Pugs have a strong love for food and can easily overeat, leading to another pug health problems – obesity.

Additionally, pugs have a compact and muscular body and are not naturally inclined toward physical activities.

These factors, along with their genetic disposition and age may contribute to obesity.

Obesity can lead to several health issues, discussed below.

Pugs due to their short snouts (brachycephalic), already have breathing issues, and obesity can worsen the problem.
The extra weight may put additional strain on their joints, leading to problems like arthritis and hip dysplasia.

Obesity can also increase the risk of heart disease or lead to diabetes, further complicating their health.

Obesity can be managed and prevented by giving high-quality, portion controlled diet.

Regular movement, like short walks or playtime, monitoring of weight and vet visits can help keep your pug’s weight and overall health in check.

Skin Infections

Pugs are susceptible to various infections.

The folds of the skin of a pug, specially in the face and tail region, can trap moisture, dirt and germs leading to skin Infections.
Common skin infections include bacterial infection, Yeast Infections or dermatitis.

Pugs are brachycephalic and hence can have respiratory infections, like Kennel Cough or Pneumonia.

The narrow ear canals of a pug can easily trap moisture and germs making them prone to ear infections.

Pugs can develop Urinary Tract Infections due to bacteria entering the urinary tract.

The prominent eyes of a pug are vulnerable to infections caused by germs, foreign objects, or injuries.

Symptoms of Infections:

  • Coughing, Sneezing (respiratory infections)
  • Itching, redness, discomfort, and hair loss (skin infections)
  • Redness, odor or discharge from ears, head shaking, excessive scratching and head shaking (ear infections)
  • Frequent urination, straining to urinate, or blood in urine (UTIs)
  • Redness or swelling, squinting or Rubbing, or discharge from the eyes (eye infections)

Preventive Measures
Proper regular grooming and cleaning of your pug’s skin folds, eyes and ears and keeping them dry.
Vaccinations and regular veterinary check-Ups for early detection and treatment.

Joint problems

Joint problems are yet one of the major pug health problems.

Patellar Luxation is a condition where the kneecap (patella) slips out of its normal position, causing pain and difficulty in walking.

Hip Dysplasia is a genetic condition where the hip joint doesn’t fit properly into the hip socket causing pain, lameness, and difficulty in movement.

Elbow Dysplasia is a condition similar to Hip Dysplasia but affects the elbow joint.

Over time, these conditions can lead more severe joint problems.

Arthitis is another degenerative joint disease than can cause pain, stiffness and reduce mobility.

Treatment may involve weight management, physical therapy, or in severe cases, surgery may be required.

Dental Problems

Just like other breeds, another common pug health problems are dental issues.

Periodontal Disease is the most common dental problems in Pugs. Caused by built up bacteria, this disease can lead to inflammation, gum recession, and even tooth loss.

Other dental problems include Tartar buildup, Tooth Resorption, and Malocclusion.

Signs of dental problems bad breath, drooling, swollen gums, and difficulty in eating.

Regular dental Cleanings at the vet, Daily Toothbrushing and a healthy diet can help to prevent dental problems in pugs.

Pug Dog Encephalitis (PDE)

Pug Dog Encephalitis, a condition unique to Pugs, is a serious neurological condition affecting the brain of pugs.

Symptoms include seizures, behavior changes, lethargy, circling, blindness, loss of coordination, and vomiting and diarrhea.

It is one of the major pug health problems ang it is important to seek immediate medical attention if you suspect your pug has Pug Dog Encephalitis.

Early diagnosis and treatment can improve the chances of managing the health condition of your pug.

Pug medical issues – How to avoid?

Here are guidelines on how to avoid pug health problems.

Regular veterinary visits
Schedule regular vet check ups to monitor the pug’s overall health and detect any underlying health issue.

Recommended vaccinations and regular dental check-ups and cleanings are also important.

Balanced diet
Nutritious high quality dog food is recommended for your pug.

Avoid over heating as obesity can lead to several health issues. Treats should be provided in moderation.

A clean and safe environment for your pug is equally important.

Regular grooming
Pugs have skin folds which can give rise to several skin problems if not taken care of.

Brush your dog’s coat regularly and the skin folds should be kept clean. Area around eyes, ears and nails should be kept clean.

Medium play and exercise
Regular walks will help to keep your pug physically fit and mentally stimulated. Pugs can be engaged in gentle play activities.

Strenuous activities should be avoided as pugs tend to get overheated easily, specially in hot conditions.

Love, care and attention
Pugs thrive in love and care.

Spend quality time with your pug to strengthen the bonding, engage in interactive games, and use positive reinforcement to training techniques to teach good behavior to your pug and prevent many pug health problems.


Do pugs have health problems?

Yes pugs have health problems owing to their physical features like flat face and wrinkled skin.

Common pug health problems include respiratory problems, skin conditions, obesity and eye problems.

Proper care and regular vet visits are essential to keep your pug happy and healthy.

Why do pugs have so many health problems?

The physical features of a pug like its flat, wrinkled face, short snout and compact body, can give rise to several health problems like respiratory issues, skin conditions or other problems.

Sometimes their genes can also contribute in inheriting certain diseases.

What health problems do pugs have?

Common pug health problems include respiratory difficulties, like brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS).

They can have eye problems like proptosis, cherry eye, dry eye, and cataracts.

Skin allergies, obesity, and joint issues are also seen in pugs.

How to avoid pug health problems?

Regular veterinary care, balanced diet, medium play and exercise are crucial for the well being of a pug.

Additionally, providing a clean environment, regular grooming and giving lots of love, care and attention will keep your pug happy and healthy.

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